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Apr 28, 2023
Turning Death into Life: The Living Cocoon's Journey from Corpse to Forest
Bob Hendrix, the TU Delft researcher and founder of Loop Biotech launched the world's first living coffin, made from mycelium. The Living...

Mar 29, 2023
Mycelium-based Structures to Create a New Generation of Building Materials in Africa
MycoHAB is a non-profit foundation originated by the Standard Bank Group (SBG) following a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute...

Mar 14, 2023
MycoPhyto: Mycorrhizal Fungi Increase Fruits, Vegetables, and Grain Productivity
Justine Lipuma, a passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture, set-up MycoPhyto in 2015 with the mission to promote the use of...

Jan 5, 2023
Mycelium Living Cocoon
Bob Hendrix, the TU Delft researcher and founder of Loop Biotech launched the world's first living coffin, made from mycelium. The Living...
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